The Greatest Fly Line for Brook Trout

Use the right fly line to catch beautiful Brook Trout like this one

When chasing Brook Trout in smaller streams you’re normally not going to be casting very far. However, you shouldn’t be discounting your fly line though. So, what is the greatest fly line for Brook Trout?

Why Fly Line Matters

I know, I know. You’re not going to be casting very far when you’re in mountain streams. However, you really need to still be using fly line that works best for this type of fishing.

There are several different types of line as we all as size, and color which can all make a difference out on the water.

Line Size

Go ahead and set aside your 5wt. You’ll be better suited using a 3wt or something even smaller. This is because a heavier line makes a heavier impact when it hits the water, and if we know one thing it’s that Brook Trout and super spooky.

So, a lighter line will lead to more delicate casts and you’ll be able to throw smaller flies more efficiently. Not only that, but it’s just more fun fighting these fish on a smaller line.

Line Color

As long as you can keep your fly line out of sight of the fish then this isn’t too big of a deal. Something mute in color can work best unless you’re using your line as an indicator. In which case find something bright so that you can detect any bites.

If you plan on fishing with a sink tip or sinking line (which you shouldn’t except for very rare instances) then a darker or more mute color is going to be the best bet.

Line Taper

There are several different types of fly line taper. Each has its own pros and cons but the only one you should be using is the weight forward taper.

This is line has added weight and thickness in the first 10 yards. The extra weight in front is meant to make casting easier. Perfect for throwing roll casts, bow and arrow casts, or overhand casts. The weight on the front also lets the fly roll over and land correctly.

Fly Lines

Use the information below to help you figure out which of the products below is going to be the greatest fly line for Brook Trout for you!

Rio Elite Technical Trout

This line is designed to throw small and delicate flies to trout. You don’t have to worry about a splashdown spooking off the fish you were casting to with this line on your reel.

The long head and back taper help to increase the loop control. Meaning it will help turn over your flies much softer than before and will help with precision and consistency.

Orvis Clearwater Fly Line

This is a great fly line for the price. If you’re on a budget or new to fly fishing and don’t want to drop a lot of money on gear then this is the one for you. It’s a great product that does everything you need it to.

The weight-forward taper is ideal for brook trout fishing and this line is made to be used in cool to moderate water conditions. Which is perfect when those mountain streams are cold at the beginning of spring or for warm weather fishing in the summer.

Orvis Pro Trout Texture Fly Line

The Pro Trout Texture line has increased surface area. What this means is that the line will sit higher in the water. This way you don’t have to worry as much about drag, water spray and you don’t have to mend as often.

This line is ideal for just about any type of fishing strategy you might be using in skinny water. Roll cast out a dry fly with ease, or drift a nymph through the current. If you want a great fly line then this is the one for you.

Scientific Anglers Frequency

This line is similar to the Orvis Clearwater. It comes at a great price point and is a no-frills fly line. It will allow you to do everything you want out on the water without overcomplicating things.

Making this the perfect line for someone new to fly fishing or as a line to be used on a backup reel.


Picking the right fly line for brook trout fishing is more important than you may think. Just because you’re not double hauling doesn’t mean you don’t need to have the right tools for the job.

So, next time you’re out on the water you should try using some of the lines we mentioned above. They’re going to help you fish more efficiently and land more trout in the net.

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